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Mercedes AMG SL

Step into the Spotlight


Mercedes AMG SL 3D Interactive Billboard

Embark on a journey to unlock the true essence of Mercedes AMG SL, where a multitude of immersive worlds and intricately crafted environments await. Feel the pulse of personalized experiences as every moment dynamically adjusts to your movements, ensuring a ride that's uniquely yours.


In collaboration with Mercedes AMG we crafted a project that redefines individuality and interaction. Our creation? A first-of-its-kind, interactive billboard that translates your style and movements into a unique AMG SL configuration. Step into the spotlight and the billboard matches your color on the AMG SL. Your movements command the car, shifting its world as you raise your hands. We blended digital art and the unique MANUFAKTUR choices of the Mercedes AMG SL, linking individual expression with the automotive world.

  • Experience Styleframes
  • Experience Styleframes
  • Experience Styleframes

Virtual Environment

We've built a virtual environment in Unreal Engine 5 ensuring a seamless 3D visual spectacle that is tailored to each location and elevates your experience.

Unreal 5 Virtual Environment

When every pixel counts

In the realm of automotive, the pursuit of visual perfection is unparalleled. Fortunately, we thrive in the art of refining every detail, ensuring that each aspect of the visual experience shines.

Billboard on-site manufacturing
Interactive 3D Billboard in action

Going the extra mile

Collaborating seamlessly with our manufacturing and on-site technical partners, we engaged in testing and refining the final experience. Together, we fine-tuned every detail, ensuring a smooth ride.

Launch Day

The 3D Interactive Billboard premiered in the heart of Hamburg, with additional locations and applications being planned.

Watch Case Movie
Interactive 3D Billboard in action
  • Live Experience screenshots
  • Live Experience screenshots
  • Live Experience screenshots
  • Live Experience screenshots
  • Live Experience screenshots

Visitors at the core

Our immersive billboard shows that our own character remains the decisive criterion of our individuality, including in the virtual world. This is the only way to represent our ideas and wishes, and transfer them into the real world.



  • Mercedes-AMG GmbH
  • antoni Berlin GmbH & Co. KG

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